“According to Nuno Casanova, Senior Technical Architect Consulting at Warpcom, ‘both schools and students are not only looking for video solutions, they want the full collaboration experience and integration with tools they already use’. The Warpcom responsible highlights the changes that have happened in the last two years and says that the motto ‘it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we are connected’ is now also applicable to the school environment. The new paradigm of teaching has meant, among other things, increasing the autonomy of students. Technology, through online video, integrated collaboration solutions of video, messaging and file sharing worked as an indispensable tool in times of health crisis.”
Read the news:
Online Version – https://jornaleconomico.sapo.pt/noticias/empresas-levam-tecnologia-portuguesa-as-escolas-754875
Printed Version – https://warpcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/25-Jun-2021-JornalEconomico-Empresas-levam-tecnologia-portuguesa-as-escolas-website.pdf