Open opportunities

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Posted 16 hours ago

Como integrador de soluções possuímos parcerias com fabricantes líderes de mercado, com o objetivo de darmos resposta cabal às exigências dos nossos clientes. Algumas das nossas certificações são: Cisco Gold Partner, Alcatel Accredited Business Partner, 4 Stars Check Point Partner, F5 Gold Partner, Fortinet Expert Partner, NetApp Gold Partner.

Como Senior Solutions Architect de Data Center & Cloud vais fazer parte duma equipa especializada em soluções de virtualização e orquestração, cloud, postos de trabalhos virtuais, hiperconvergência, convergência e backup. Vais ser envolvido na apresentação de soluções nas áreas referidas, participando em projetos de várias dimensões e complexidades dentro das tuas áreas de especialização.

Vais ser integrado na equipa de Data Center & Cloud no escritório de Lisboa ou Porto.

Se estás interessado numa carreira, com constantes desafios, junto de uma equipa profissional e numa das melhores empresas de Tecnologia, esta é a tua oportunidade!

O que vais fazer
  • Definir a arquitetura para soluções de data center e cloud;
  • Apoiar os clientes a definir estratégias de evolução das suas infraestruturas de data center e cloud;
  • Elaborar propostas técnicas na área de data center e cloud;
  • Elaborar propostas técnicas multidisciplinares, em que a área de data center e cloud seja preponderante (bid-management);
  • Realizar apresentações, tanto internas, como em clientes e conferências;
  • Atuar como um mentor de colegas mais juniores;
  • Adquirir conhecimento técnico em diversas soluções tecnológicas, através de formação formal e on-job e certificações de fabricantes;
  • Envolver-te, de forma proativa, em projetos com outros âmbitos, como a criação de soluções inovadoras em laboratório (warplab) ou a mentoria de estagiários (Warp Trainee)
O que deves trazer contigo
  • Mínimo de 5 anos de experiência na área de Data Center & Multi Cloud;
  • Experiência e interesse no desenho de soluções de cloud, sejam elas privadas, públicas e/ou híbridas, envolvendo todas as respetivas componentes, como armazenamento, computação, etc.
  • Domínio preferencial de VMware, Dell EMC, Cisco, NetApp, Omnissa, Citrix, AWS ou Azure;
  • Experiência profissional no ecossistema envolvente, nomeadamente nas áreas de redes e segurança – Preferencial;
  • Formação numa área tecnológica. Licenciatura/Mestrado em Engenharia - Preferencial;
  • Capacidade de elaborar documentos e apresentações com qualidade. Domínio de Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point e Visio;
  • Espírito crítico sobre os projetos e processos em que és envolvido, com interesse em propor e implementar sugestões de melhoria;
  • Boa capacidade de diálogo e escrita em português e inglês. É valorizada a facilidade de comunicação em espanhol;
  • Capacidade e interesse em ser autónomo e organizado.
Podes contar com
  • Integração numa equipa experiente e ambiciosa;
  • Formação contínua e perspetivas de evolução;
  • Cultura inovadora, focada na tecnologia;
  • Política de trabalho híbrido;
  • Remuneração competitiva de acordo com as funções a executar;

Job Features

Job Category

Oportunidades em aberto

Como integrador de soluções possuímos parcerias com fabricantes líderes de mercado, com o objetivo de darmos resposta cabal às exigências dos nossos clientes. Algumas das nossas certificações ...

Full Time
Posted 16 hours ago
O Support Buyer & Logistic Management é uma função inserida na atividade de Orders Management & Procurement. A sua atividade passa por: receber e especificar em plataforma ERP, encomendas de Clientes (produtos, licenças e serviços); processar as compras aos fornecedores; efetuar follow-up regulares, trabalhando sempre em estreita colaboração com a equipa logística para ajudar a garantir que todo o processo de compra seja executado com sucesso, traduzindo-se na entrega das soluções aos Clientes dentro dos prazos acordados, de modo a se realizar a respetiva faturação. É também função desta área, o controlo e elaboração da faturação a clientes, bem como a análise da execução e rentabilidade dos varios projetos. Se estás interessado numa carreira, com constantes desafios, junto de uma equipa profissional e numa das melhores empresas de Tecnologia, esta é a tua oportunidade!
O que vais fazer
  • Gestão dos processos de compra e negociação com fornecedores;
  • Processamento administrativo de Encomendas de Clientes em estreita colaboração com a Direção Comercial;
  • Trabalhar com a equipa de logística e gestão de projeto, no controlo da entrega dos produtos para os vários projetos até à finalização dos mesmos de modo a elaborar a faturação correspondente.
O que deves trazer contigo
  • Licenciatura em Gestão de Empresas e/ou Gestão da Logística;
  • Conhecimentos de Inglês, falado e escrito, ao nível do utilizador independente (mínimo B1);
  • Bons conhecimentos da ferramenta MS Office (Excel);
  • Gosto pela área tecnológica;
  • Capacidade para utilizar as ferramentas informáticas na ótica do utilizador;
  • Criatividade e inovação;
  • Capacidade para trabalhar em equipa, autonomia e abordagem proativa, atenção ao detalhe e foco na satisfação do cliente;
  • Disponibilidade para aprendizagem contínua.
Podes contar com
  • Integração numa equipa experiente e ambiciosa;
  • Formação contínua e perspetivas de evolução;
  • Cultura inovadora, focada na tecnologia;
  • Política de trabalho híbrido;
  • Remuneração competitiva de acordo com as funções a executar.

Job Features

Job Category

Oportunidades em aberto

O Support Buyer & Logistic Management é uma função inserida na atividade de Orders Management & Procurement. A sua atividade passa por: receber e especificar em plataforma ERP, encomendas d...

Full Time
Posted 1 month ago

A Warpcom é líder de mercado na implementação de soluções de comunicações unificadas e colaboração, contact center, mobilidade, cibersegurança e soluções de data center e cloud.

A nossa oferta inclui serviços geridos, NOC (Network Operations Center) e SOC (Security Operations Center), desenho e fornecimento de soluções à medida, implementação, auditoria e consultoria tecnológica e integração aplicacional.

Como integrador de soluções possuímos parcerias com fabricantes líderes de mercado, com o objetivo de darmos resposta cabal às exigências dos nossos clientes. Algumas das nossas certificações são: Cisco Gold Partner, Alcatel Accredited Business Partner, 4 Stars Check Point Partner, F5 Gold Partner, Fortinet Expert Partner, NetApp Gold Partner.

Se estás interessado numa carreira, com constantes desafios, junto de uma equipa profissional e numa das melhores empresas de Tecnologia, esta é a tua oportunidade!

O que vais fazer
  • Supervisionar os projetos mais relevantes do Cliente e todas as fases do ciclo de vida do respetivo serviço;
  • Gerir a execução do serviço e garantir que o âmbito do serviço contratado é entregue mantendo os níveis de satisfação do cliente elevados e que os custos da execução do serviço estão de acordo com o planeado;
  • Produzir e apresentar relatórios de serviço aos clientes;
  • Identificar oportunidades de melhoria/extensão dos serviços, antecipando novas necessidades do Cliente e potenciando a contratualização de novos serviços;
  • Em colaboração com a equipa comercial desenvolver e manter o relacionamento com os clientes Warpcom;
  • Ser um dos principais pontos de contacto para o cliente;
  • Acompanhar os incidentes críticos.
O que trazes contigo
  • Formação Superior em Gestão, Gestão de Projetos ou em áreas da Engenharia (Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Engenharia Industrial ou Engenharia Informática);
  • Experiência profissional superior a 2 anos em áreas relacionadas com: Service Delivery Management, IT Service Management, Operations Management, Product Owner, Customer Success Management, Business Process Management;
  • Experiência em organização de equipas e/ou contacto com clientes na ótica de entrega de serviços;
  • Domínio do inglês ao nível profissional, capaz de garantir uma comunicação fluente, clara e eficaz no contexto empresarial, tanto na forma escrita como falada. Valorizado o espanhol;
  • Capacidade analítica e de resolução de problemas, gestão de tempo e organização, capacidade de comunicação, trabalho em equipa e gestão de conflitos.
Podes contar com
  • Integração numa equipa experiente e dinâmica;
  • Cultura inovadora, focada na tecnologia;
  • Formação contínua bem como perspetivas de evolução interessantes;
  • Remuneração de acordo com a experiência demonstrada.

Job Features

Job Category

Oportunidades em aberto

  A Warpcom é líder de mercado na implementação de soluções de comunicações unificadas e colaboração, contact center, mobilidade, cibersegurança e soluções de data center e cloud. A noss...

Se estás interessado/a numa carreira, desafiante, com muita aventura e onde não há dois dias iguais, esta é a tua oportunidade!

Como Technical Services de Networking & Infrastructure, vais fazer parte duma equipa especializada em soluções de networking (switching, routing e wireless). Vais trabalhar com os principais fabricantes a nível mundial destas tecnologias: Cisco, Fortinet e Nokia.

Vais ser envolvido/a na implementação de soluções, participando em projetos de várias dimensões e complexidades dentro das tuas áreas de especialização. Vais também colaborar de perto com o Warpcom Command Center, acompanhando o suporte técnico especializado e as soluções em produção.

Vais ser envolvido na implementação de soluções nas áreas referidas, participando em projetos de várias dimensões e complexidades dentro das tuas áreas de especialização. Vais também colaborar de perto com o Warpcom Command Center, acompanhando o suporte técnico a soluções em produção.
A equipa de Technical Services está distribuída por todos os escritórios portugueses da Warpcom (Lisboa, Porto e Funchal) e colabora diariamente nos escritórios e através do Webex e Outlook.

O que vais fazer:

  • Acompanhamento e apoio na implementação, configuração, suporte, gestão de soluções de networking;
  • Apoio no desenvolvimento de arquiteturas/soluções tecnológicas de networking;
  • Participação em projetos multidisciplinares;
  • Apoio na elaboração de propostas técnicas.


O que deves trazer contigo:

  • Experiência sólida em redes de computadores: Conhecimento prático em configuração, manutenção e monitoramento de redes LAN/WAN, VLANs, VPNs e segurança de rede;
  • Conhecimento em protocolos de rede: Experiência com protocolos como TCP/IP, OSPF, BGP, e outros protocolos de roteamento e comutação;
  • Domínio em configuração de equipamentos de rede: Capacidade de configurar e administrar dispositivos como switches, roteadores e firewalls de fabricantes como Cisco ou similares;
  • Habilidade em troubleshooting: Facilidade para diagnosticar e resolver problemas de rede, identificando rapidamente falhas e implementando soluções de forma eficaz;
  • Conhecimentos em segurança de rede: Familiaridade com práticas e normas de segurança, incluindo o controlo de acesso, firewalling, IDS/IPS e VPNs, para proteção de dados;
  • Certificação CCNA obrigatória e CCNP é valorizado;
  • Boa comunicação e capacidade de trabalho em equipa: Habilidade para colaborar com outras áreas de TI e apresentar soluções técnicas de maneira clara a equipas não técnicas;
  • Espírito crítico sobre os projetos e processos em que estás envolvido, com interesse em propor e implementar sugestões de melhoria;
  • Boa capacidade de diálogo e escrita em português e inglês. É valorizada a facilidade de comunicação em espanhol.

Podes contar com:

  • Integração numa equipa experiente e ambiciosa;
  • Formação contínua e perspetivas de evolução;
  • Cultura inovadora, focada na tecnologia;
  • Política de trabalho híbrido;
  • Remuneração competitiva de acordo com as funções a executar.


Se procuras um desafio interessante e gratificante então queremos ouvir-te! Candidata-te agora para te juntares às nossas equipas!

Job Features

Job Category

Oportunidades em aberto

Se estás interessado/a numa carreira, desafiante, com muita aventura e onde não há dois dias iguais, esta é a tua oportunidade! Como Technical Services de Networking & Infrastructure, vais faz...

Gradutated with a bachelor’s degree of Law and specialist in Administrative Law, he is a Board Member of Evolutio and Warpcom.

He began his professional career in 1984 in the spanish public sector, moving from State attorney to General Director of Taxes and Property of the Government of the Canary Islands and then to State Attorney before the Supreme Court of Justice.

From 1989 to 2021, he held various positions in the commercial sector, from Secretary of the Board of Directors and Director of the Legal Department of EBRO, Compañía de Azúcares y Alimentación and its subsidiaries, to Secretary of the Board of Directors and Director of the Legal Department of ERESMÁS INTERACTIVA S.A., in 2000, and as Secretary of the Board of Directors of CODERE S.A, between 2014 and 2021.

He is currently the Secretary of the Board of Directors and Director of the Legal Department of Evolutio.

He has held positions in teaching institutes and associations, of which his position as a Member of the Spanish State Lawyers Association stands out.

Jacinto Cavestany

Board Member

Jacinto Cavestany é CEO da Evolutio, liderando a estratégia global de uma equipa de mais de 1000 profissionais. Foi Diretor Comercial e Diretor de Serviço ao Cliente na BT Espanha.

Anteriormente, trabalhou para a Getronics como Diretor de Managed Services Business e para a Olivetti Solutions, desempenhando a função de Diretor de Marketing.

Jacinto Cavestany é Engenheiro de Telecomunicações, especializado em transmissão de dados e sinal digital pela Universidade Politécnica de Madrid, com um MBA do IESE e da Universidade de Dartmouth.

Responsible for the execution of the technology strategy and solutions design and for professional and support services.

She has more than 20 years of experience in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, focusing mainly on the operations and pre-sales departments. During these years she has specialized in the management of high-performance teams that design, implement and support clients’ technological solutions.

She began her professional career performing engineering and consulting projects in Alcatel Spain, Soluziona Telecommunications and NextiraOne, becoming an expert in large IP Telephony and Contact Center networks, and acting as technological advisor to important customers.

In NextiraOne she was the manager of the of the engineering and professional services area, directing the design activities of the most complex and innovative technological projects, as well as the company’s R&D activities. She was subsequently appointed as head of the consultancy team.

Once at Dimension Data, she was responsible for pre-sales at national level, in close collaboration with the company’s sales and marketing department.

She is a Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Cantabria.

More than 25 years of experience in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector and a broad knowledge of the Spanish market after having held important positions in several multinational companies.

His professional career began in Alcatel Spain, with responsibilities within the Product and Engineering departments, to later evolve towards the Marketing and Sales departments. For several years he specialized in the market of large operators, taking responsibility for commercial and product negotiations.

For 15 years he has held positions as Sales Director in large multinational companies in the ICT sector such as Alcatel, NextiraOne and Dimension Data, being responsible for the execution of the sales strategy at a national level. He has been in charge of the sales and pre-sales departments throughout Spain, and has been responsible for business development in new technologies, markets and services.

He has a degree in Physical Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and completed the Management Development Program at IESE.

Responsible for the human capital management, she also provides support in the Facilities and Integrated Management System departments.

With more than 20 years of professional experience within the telecommunications sector, she started her professional journey in the financial department of Ericsson Telecomunicações.

In 1996, she started working for Alcatel Comunicação de Empresa, where she held different positions and took charge of the challenging task of implementing the ISO 9001 standard. While working at Alcatel she was appointed as the head of the Quality Control Department, being responsible for maintaining quality assurance and implementing Environment and Safety Certifications.

After the acquisition of Alcatel by NextiraOne, she became a member of the Human Resources Management Team and started working in this area.

In 2011, she became the Director of Human Resources, a position she held after the acquisition of NextiraOne by Dimension Data, in 2014.

She completed an Auditing degree at Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa (ISCAL), a post-graduate degree in Human Resources Management and in Health and Safety at Work.

Responsible for Professional and Support Services.

He has held several positions within the services industry since 1989, having participated in the development of services in new technological areas for different companies: Alcatel Comunicação de Empresa, NextiraOne and Dimension Data.

In 2001 he became the Operations Director, being responsible for the Professional and Support Services areas.

He completed a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and later participated in advanced courses on Investment and Business Management Decision Support.

Responsible for the financial management of the company.

He began his professional journey in 1991 working for Alcatel Portugal, where he held positions within factory cost control, capital control and reporting areas.

From 1993 to 1998, he held positions as Financial Controller of Alcatel Comunicação de Empresas, later he became responsible for the Planning and Reporting Department of Alcatel Portugal.

In 2000 he became the Financial Controller of Alcatel Comunicação de Empresas, which was later acquired by NextiraOne. He held this position until 2014, when he was appointed as the Financial Manager after the acquisition of the latter by Dimension Data Portugal.

He completed a degree in Business Management at Universidade de Évora.

Responsible for the definition and execution of the technology and innovation strategy.

More than 20 years of professional experience leading presales and business development teams in the ICT market, with engineering and network of large dimensions design roles in operators and business networks.

He has worked as Systems Engineer at Alcatel Portugal and Convex / Satec Group having the technical responsibility of IP and Security network projects.

At Vodafone Portugal he was a member of the Network Design team, participating in several major projects, namely: the evaluation of the worldwide network performance to centralize services and the design and migration of the TDM network to the IP / MPLS network which supported all operator services (voice, video, SMS).

He held product management and business development roles in the Security and Data Center areas at NextiraOne. In 2013, already at Dimension Data, he took the lead of the pre-sales team, designing solutions and services for the Network, Collaboration, Security and Data Center areas.

At the same time, he was a professor at the Atlantic University in Computer Systems Management, teaching Computer Networking and Cisco Academy.

He holds a degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering from the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute of Technology, holds a Digital Marketing Management program from Universidade Católica and attends the Executive Master in Management with a specialization in Leadership at Católica Lisbon – School of Business and Economics.

With more than 20 years’ experience in the information technology sector and a vast knowledge of the national market, he has worked in important companies in the sector.

Passionate about business and technology, he has been with Warpcom since its inception, where he took on the role of Sales Director in 2021 after several years as Senior Client Manager.

He spent time at Dimension Data, always linked to the sales department and client relations, which he had since NextiraOne, where he joined in 2012.

Before that, he worked at Ikon ID and Telindus as an Account Manager, which allowed him to develop skills and long-lasting relationships with his clients.

His already extensive professional career began in the early 2000’s at HP in a Pre-Sales role.

Laura Calvo holds the position of CFO at Evolutio since April 2020, leading the areas of Accounting, Invoicing, Tax, Finance, Treasury and Control. Before Evolutio, she worked as CFO for a private equity Swedish company in the energy sector for 3 years.

With vast professional experience over 20 years, he has worked at Deloitte, several multinationals (Mazda, Atento) and listed companies (Enagas), where she participated in M&A projects, IPO and high yield bond issues.

Jacinto Cavestany is the CEO of Evolutio, leading the global strategy of a team of over 1,000 professionals. He was previously Commercial Director and Customer Service Director at BT Spain.

Previously he worked for Getronics as Managed Services Business Director and for Olivetti Solutions as Marketing Director.

Jacinto Cavestany is a Telecommunications Engineer, specialized in data transmission and digital signal from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, with an MBA from IESE and Dartmouth University.

With more than 20 years of professional experience in executive offices in Portugal and abroad, he was the Executive Manager of PT SGPS and PT Comunicações/TMN/MEO, being responsible for the Business areas (Corporate e SMEs).

He was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PT Sistemas de Informação and Executive Manager of PT Prime, positions he accumulated with those of CEO of Tradecom, Vice-Chairman of Caixanet and CEO of the General Assembly of INESC.

Previously, he had been the CEO of Oni Telecom and Administrator of Comunitel (Spain), a position he took after leaving his position as CEO of EDS in Spain and Portugal.

He also held various positions at IBM, including that of Head of IBM Global Services (Portugal).

He completed a degree in Mechanical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico, a post-graduate degree in Welding Engineering and a Master’s degree in Marketing Management and Sales, as well as several courses at the London Business School, IESE and Universidade Católica.

With a vast experience within the technology sector in Portugal and abroad, having taken up prominent positions in several multinational companies.

He was the Chairman of the Board of Administration of Dimension Data Portugal e Espanha until 2016, having taken up the position after serving as Chairman of the Board of Administration of Alcatel Comunicação Empresa S.A. Portugal and as CEO of Alcatel Comunicaciones Empresa S.A. Espanha.

Previously, he had already been the Chairperson of the Board of Administration of Nextiraone S.A. Espanha e Portugal, and later CEO of S.A. Espanha e Portugal and Board Member of Nextiraone Europa.

He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from ISEL (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa). He completed several post-graduate degrees at Insead, namely: International Management Course, Strategy Program and Advanced Management Course in Finance. He completed the Executive Advanced Management Program at IESE, Madrid.

With extensive international experience in technology companies, Angel was appointed CEO of Warpcom in 2024, following his role as Director of Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions for the Evolutio Group in Iberia.

Before that, he was Chairman of the Investment Committee and Vice-Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain and held various positions at BT Global Services, where he spent more than 20 years of his career. Here he led the business development strategy in Europe and LATAM, serving as Business Development and Sales Director.

He has a degree in Pharmacy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Master’s in Business Administration from IE Business School.

Advanced Partner

Nokia is committed to constant innovation when it comes to network equipment, software and services. Its customers and partners have a network portfolio to enrich their businesses. Nokia offers systems and services to store, manage, protect and retain data.

Partnership Level
Advanced Partner

SDN (Nuage)

Main Solutions / Technologies
SDN (Nuage)
Optical Networks
Radio Acess Networks

Advanced Partner

VMware software powers the world’s complex digital infrastructure. Computational proposals, in clouds, mobility, networks and in the domain of society’s security form a dynamic and constant digital base, which allows the provision of applications that drive business innovation.

Partnership Level

Advanced Partner


Server Virtualization
Cloud Provider
Desktop as Service (DaaS)
Desktop Virtualization
Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
Management Automation & Management Operations
VMware Cloud on AWS
Network Virtualization

Reseller Partner

Talkdesk is a cloud-based contact center and artificial intelligence software provider. Talkdesk provides contact center software to its customers which is based on the cloud. The platform uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to provide better customer services to companies in the midmarket and enterprise categories.

Partnership Level

Reseller Partner

Professional Certified Dealer

Sony Professional Solutions (SPS) is a subsidiary of the Japanese multinational technology and media conglomerate Sony with a primary focus on professional products. These range from broadcast software and video cameras to the provision of External Broadcast Units and professional displays.

Partnership Level

Professional Certified Dealer


Samsung operates in several technological areas seeking to innovate in products such as TVs, smartphones, wearables, tablets, digital devices, network systems, medical devices, semiconductors and LED solutions. Samsung bets on the Internet of Things, Smart Home and digital health.

Partnership Level


Elite Partner

Quantum Xchange is a recognized quantum technology innovator and cybersecurity visionary. The company offers organizations an immediate and practical entry into the field of quantum technology capable of instantly improving their current cryptographic environment, being easy to implement and maintain, managing to adapt in tune with the existing threat landscape.

Partnership Level

Elite Partner (Portugal e Espanha)


Poly is the global communications society that promotes genuine human connection and collaboration. They personally select and sort millions of verbal and non-verbal cues to deduce meanings. Poly is finding new ways to introduce these cues into audio and video communication in order to replicate the face-to-face experience. The creation of intimacy is intended. There is also an attempt to break down barriers and cover distances.

Partnership Level



Mobile Worker
Virtual Worker
Office Worker
Contact Center
Software and Services
Unified Communications
Aviation and Specials

Innovator Partner

Palo Alto Networks is the world leader in cybersecurity, providing innovative solutions to enable secure digital transformation. The company provides platforms that include advanced firewalls and cloud-based offerings that reinforce and extend those firewalls, covering other aspects of cybersecurity.

Partnership Level

Innovator Partner

Prestige Partner

NetApp offers systems and services to store, manage, protect and retain data.

Partnership Level

Prestige Partner


All-Flash Array (AFF) A-Series
NVMe Storage
FAS Hybrid Arrays
NetApp HCI
StorageGRID Object Storage
Cloud Volumes ONTAP
ONTAP Select
Cloud Insights
SaaS Backup – Office 365, Salesforce

Gold & Silver Partner

Microsoft Corporation is an American transnational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, electronic products, personal computers and services.

Partnership Level

Gold (Windows and Devices)
Silver (DataCenter, Communications, Data Analytics, Project and Portfolio Management)

Silver Partner

Led by customer needs and managed by its founders, the more than 100 Luwarians across Europe and the US work every day out of a passion for modern technology and excellent customer service. In close partnership with Microsoft, they expand their communication platforms to connect employees and customers across all channels. With over 10 years of experience in software development and customer service, they support their customers around the world to actively shape their customer support experiences.

Partnership Level

Silver Partners

Authorized Partner

Imprivata develops solutions that streamline workflows in the medical field by offering ubiquitous access and simplified and multifactor authentication solutions.

Partnership Level

Authorized Partner

Main Solutions / Technology:

One Sign (Ask for a demonstration and see in practice all the potential of this Single Sign-On solution)


ID Quantique (IDQ) is the world leader in quantum-safe cryptographic solutions designed to protect data for the long term. The company provides quantum-safe network encryption, secure quantum key generation, and quantum key distribution solutions and services to financial industry, enterprise, and government organizations worldwide.
IDQ also markets a random quantum number generator, which is the benchmark in the security, simulation and gaming industries.
In addition, IDQ is a leading supplier of optical instrumentation products, primarily photon counters and related electronics. The company’s innovative photonic solutions are used in both commercial and research applications.

Partnership Level


Main Solutions / Technology:

Quantum-Safe Network Encryption
Quantum Key Distribution
Quantum Key Generation

Reseller Gold Partner

Genesys is a global leader in cloud solutions for contact centers and customer experience management. A pioneer in Experience as a Service℠, it enables organizations of all sizes to deliver genuine personalization at scale and empathetic interactions while driving customer trust and loyalty.

Partnership Level

Reseller Gold Partner

Expert Partner

Fortinet provides high-performance, integrated security solutions. It develops and markets cybersecurity software, products and services, such as firewalls, antivirus, intrusion prevention and user device security.

Partnership Level

Expert Partner

Gold Partner

F5 Networks is a global company specializing in application services and application delivery networks (ADN). F5’s technologies focus on the delivery, security, performance and availability of web applications, as well as the availability of servers, cloud resources, data storage devices and other network components.

Partnership Level

Gold Certified Partner

Elite Partner

Druva provides data protection and management for the cloud era. The Druva Cloud Platform is built on top of AWS and delivered as-a-service, providing globally accessible, infinitely scalable, and fully autonomous enterprise data resiliency.

Partnership Level

Gold Certified Partner


Druva InSync
Druva Phoenix

Platinum Partner

Dell enables organizations to modernize, automate and transform their data center using industry-leading converged infrastructure, servers, storage and data protection technologies. Organizations gain a reliable foundation to transform their IT and develop new and better ways to work with the hybrid cloud, creating applications that rely solely on the cloud and big data solutions.

Partnership Level

Platinum Certified Partner


Core Client
Converged Infrastructure
Data Protection

Main Solutions / Technologies

Dell PowerEdge
Dell VxRail
Dell Unity

Authorized Partner

Commvault specializes in data protection and recovery. Commvault’s Data Solution redefines the idea of ​​backup with solutions that protect and manage an organization’s most critical asset – data.

Partnership Level

Authorized Partner

Main Solutions / Technology:

Complete Backup & Recovery

Gold Certified Partner & Authorized Citrix Service Provider

Citrix is ​​a digital workspace platform that gives employees everything they need to be productive in a unified experience, while giving IT the visibility, simplicity and security it needs to enable and control it all.

Citrix powers digital workspace, networking, security and analytics technologies.

Partnership Level

Gold Certified Partner
Authorized Citrix Service Provider


Citrix Workspace

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (formerly XenApp and XenDesktop)

Citrix Content Collaboration (ShareFile integration)

Citrix Endpoint Management (formerly XenMobile)

Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer)

Citrix ADC (formerly NetScaler ADC)

Citrix Gateway (formerly NetScaler Gateway or NetScaler Unified Gateway)

Gold Certified Partner

Cisco Systems is the world’s leading provider of networking equipment for the Internet.

Cisco networking solutions connect people, computing devices, and computer networks, allowing users to access or transfer information regardless of differences in time, location, or type of computer system.

Partnership Level

Gold Certified Partner


Advanced Collaboration

Architecture Specialization

Advanced Data Center

Architecture Specialization

Advanced Enterprise Network

Architecture Specialization

Advanced Security Architecture Specialization

4 Stars Channel Partner

Founded in 1993, Check Point Software Technologies’ vision is to make Internet communications and data secure, reliable and available everywhere. Check Point grows to become the largest provider of security and leading solutions to protect customers from all types of cyber attacks.

Partnership Level

4 Stars Channel Partner

Silver Partner

Axis is a company that operates in the IT and security sectors and expands its activities to the audio, voice over IP and building automation markets. With extensive experience in networked video and audio solutions, analytics and access control that contribute to the protection of people and property.

Partnership Level

Silver Partner

Registered Partner

Amazon Web Services offers a broad suite of cloud-based global products, including computing, storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, development tools, management tools, IoT, security, and enterprise applications: on-demand, available in seconds with prepaid pricing. From data storage to deployment tools, directories to content delivery, over 200 AWS services are available. New services can be provisioned quickly, with no upfront overhead.

Registered Partner

AudioCodes is a leading provider of advanced communications software, products and productivity solutions for the digital workplace. AudioCodes enables enterprises and service providers to build and operate all-IP voice networks to deliver unified communications, contact centers, and hosted business services, whether in the cloud or on premises.

Partnership Level

Accredited Business Partner

Accredited Business Partner

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) has more than 830,000 customers worldwide. ALE, together with its partners, connects, customizes and creates award-winning solutions for every organization – from employees, processes and customers – helping all companies to compete in a digital world.