“Novo Banco wanted to renew its WAN network, incorporating a more resilient, secure, fast and scalable solution, which at the same time would allow the banking institution to reduce complexity in daily management, improve monitoring and alarming and guarantee a authentication expandable to the Group’s universe. To respond to these needs, Warpcom applied a methodology based on three stages: technical workshops to assess existing needs and expected results, presentation of the SD-WAN approach as the best response to Novo Banco’s challenges and identification of the main differentiating characteristics between the various manufacturers.”
Read the news:
Print version – https://warpcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Mar2021-IT-Channel-Novo-Banco-renova-rede-WAN-Website.pdf
Online version – https://www.itchannel.pt/news/redes-and-telecom/novo-banco-renova-rede-wan