It is more than 20 kilometres long and connects the Gare do Oriente in Lisbon to Pragal in Almada, crossing the 25 de Abril Bridge. Behind this milestone is a consortium led by Warpcom and ID Quantique, together with Deloitte, Fortinet and IP Telecom.
Lisbon, October 12, 2021 – Warpcom, a 100% Portuguese-owned Iberian technology integrator, is leading a revolutionary project in partnership with the ID Quantique which translated into the first connection of more than 20 kilometres for the transmission of encrypted information through quantum keys on national territory. This link connects Gare do Oriente to Pragal, crossing the 25 de Abril Bridge, through IP Telecom’s fibre optic network, involving cutting edge technology with the capacity to exponentially increase the level of security of communications and protect the most important assets for any organisation: information and data.
“According to current standards, information will be easily decrypted using quantum technology, which is a serious risk and threat to governments, organisations and individuals. This link proves that quantum technology is already a reality and that it is possible to secure communications between two points with quantum-safe technology, creating a level of security such that even if in the future there is an attack using quantum technology the security of the information is not compromised.”Bruno Gonçalves, Business Unit Manager – Cybersecurity at Warpcom, explained.
This is a historical milestone, not only because it is the first quantum connection of such an extent made in Portugal, and fully integrated with Fortinet security solutions already recognized in the market, but also because it demonstrates that it is no longer a laboratory test to be prepared for the real and productive world of organizations.
“There is a movement by major international players towards adopting a strategy for the quantum age that is fast approaching. The answer certainly involves solutions that allow organisations to adapt their cybersecurity strategy, making it quantum-safe. It is a path that must be prepared in order to protect your assets today and in the future. Quantique ID provides unconditional security in sensitive key exchanges, thanks to quantum communications over thousands of kilometres.” explica Jean-Sébastien Pegon, Chefe de Finanças e Mercados de Telecomunicações da ID Quantique.
One of the main objectives of this technology, which has been the subject of research in recent years, is the creation of the quantum internet, with a strong investment announced by the governments of the main world powers and the European Union for its financing (Quantum Communications Infrastructure). In the future, the goal is to ensure more secure connections and more points with this type of technology, creating a network on a global scale.
“For IP Telecom, this is a clear demonstration of the company’s ability to be the country’s national high-speed network, to continue to innovate and ensure greater levels of security for the national economy. We consider that quantum communications, and this partnership of ours, symbolises an active future for the company and a clear need of our customers.”says Rui Ribeiro, General Director of IP Telecom.
As a technology integrator and cybersecurity service provider, Warpcom actively seeks not only the cybersecurity solutions that organisations need now, but also those for future.
“Clearly, the topic of the Quantum Era has to be placed on the strategic agenda of organisations for the coming years and, in this sense, we are here to support them in this journey in security, supporting critical infrastructure holders, such as utilities, Defence, healthcare, financial market and telecom operators, in the development of quantum-safe networks.”says Pedro Morão, Commercial Director of Warpcom.
Count on us to maximise the opportunities and minimise the risks of quantum technology:
About Warpcom
Warpcom is the leading technology integrator in the development of solutions in the areas of Networking & Infrastructure, Collaboration & Customer Experience, Data Center & Multi Cloud and Cybersecurity & Public Safety.
As a business partner supporting the digital transformation of organisations, regardless of their technology maturity, Warpcom also provides specialised services that address the management of the entire technology lifecycle: Managed Services (NOC and SOC), Consulting Services, Support Services, and Professional Services. In order to provide the best solutions on a case-by-case basis, Warpcom invests continuously in strengthening skills and know-how and has strategic partnerships with leading manufacturers, including in quantum technology.
About ID Quantique
ID Quantique is a world leader in encryption solutions for the quantum age, including Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), designed to protect information over the long term. IDQ’s products are used by government, business and academic entities in more than 60 countries and on every continent. IDQ is proud of its independence and neutrality and invests in long-term, trusting relationships with its clients and partners. More information at
About Deloitte
“Deloitte” means one or more member firms and their related entities of the global network of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms are separate and independent legal entities. DTTL does not provide services to customers. For more information go to
Deloitte is a leading global provider of audit & assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services. Our network of member firms spans more than 150 countries and territories and serves four out of every five Fortune Global 500® entities. To see the positive impact created by Deloitte’s approximately 330,000 professionals go to
About Fortinet
Fortinet (NASDAQ: FTNT) protects the largest enterprises, service providers and government organisations around the world. Fortinet provides its customers and more complete protection for the entire attack surface and enables them to take on greater performance requirements in the current and future perimeterless network. Only Fortinet’s Security Fabric architecture can provide security,without compromise, to address the most critical security challenges, whether in network, application, cloud or mobile environments. Today, Fortinet is the number one company in security device distribution worldwide and over 290,000 customers who rely on Fortinet for their business protection. More information at, Fortinet Blog, or FortiGuard Labs.
About IP Telecom
IP Telecom, with the motto “We connect business”, is a telecommunications operator and Datacenter and Cloud Computing services, dedicated exclusively to the business market. Its innovative offer of corporate and public administration solutions is recognised as a reference in Portugal.
IP Telecom is an ISO 27001 certified company and is present in several Cybersecurity bodies as it considers it fundamental to demonstrate, independently, the importance it gives to the Information Security of its clients, particularly in its operational and applicational processes to support the services in its Cloudsolutions, Hosting and Housing portfolio, as well as the DataCenters in Lisbon, Viseu and Porto. More information at